Passion Arena's habits provide a foundation for success

The following habits are cultivated throughout the episodes available on Passion Arena. We believe that mastery over each these habits opens the door to any success people might seek, whether personal, professional or academic in nature. The habits outlined below form the foundation for learning and applying each of the skills introduced throughout our videos and exercises. Each habit is described below:


Getting to achieve your goals first means actually starting on them. We'll help you to get started, and keep going.


To build a life that fills you with joy, you first need to know who you are, and what you enjoy. Discover the real you.


Being curious allows you to discover your own passions, while also helping you meaningfully connect with others.


Applying a growth mindset to any obstacle helps you find a way to move forward. It's critical to achieving any success.


Playing it safe is the surest way of remaining where you are. Stretching yourself pushes your boundaries, and helps you to achieve your boldest ambitions. 


Planning the steps for success is a great start, but scheduling time to take action, builds momentum and leads you closer to achieving all of your dreams.

Little and

Big goals are almost always achieved through many small steps.
Moving toward your dreams slowly but consistently will ensure your success.



When facing obstacles, it can be difficult to remain positive. The habit of looking for positives in any situation will help to keep you focused and moving forward.

Self-control icon


Building the ability to work toward long-term goals is perhaps the most critical habit of all to master for any success. We'll help you increase your self-control.


We live in a highly distracting time. Never before has the need for quiet been so great. Learn the habit of taking time for quiet reflection.


With success comes the chance to contribute to your broader community. A giving habit feels good, and can make a big difference to many.


Real success means continually looking at how you can improve. Ongoing learning is the never-ending pursuit of the best version of you.